U29 & 30 North Park
North Road
Dublin 11
P: 01 808 1244
E: info@123ink.ie
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123ink.ie is an award winning company

123ink.ie - A multi-award winning company!

Trading online as 123ink.ie, Ink Maestro Ltd. 123ink.ie is a proud-to-be-Irish company on the go since June 2006 and as of January 2024 we've almost 400,000 private and commercial clients in Ireland. 
Of our many accolades, 123ink.ie has been recognised as the leading suppliers of Office supplies, printer consumables, and as a Business All-Star 2 years in a row.


Leading Suppliers of Printer Consumables & Stationery.

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Office Supplies Company of the Year & AIBF Business All Star.

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AIBF Business All Star & Green Initiative of the Year.

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Leading Suppliers of Office Equipment & Printing Consumables.

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