U29 & 30 North Park
North Road
Dublin 11
P: 01 808 1244
E: info@123ink.ie
  • Almost 400,000 clients!
  • Nationwide delivery from €3.99 (max €4.99)
office supplies

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Delivery & collection

Shipping Timetable and Costs
We use Fastway Couriers and An Post to deliver every package:

Same-day dispatch right up to 7pm (An Post) or 6:15pm (Fastway), Monday to Friday, directly from our Dublin warehouse.

* in-stock items usually ship same-day. 

* all shipments are fully Track-and-Trace and a signature is required.
Order amount An Post Fastway
Up to and including € 50, - € 4.99 € 4.99
Above € 50, - € 3.99 € 3.99
Shipping Method
Fastway deliver Mon-Fri, while An Post also deliver on Saturdays in selected urban areas. 
An Post delivers Mon-Fri (Mon-Sat in selected urban areas).
All packages are Track-and-Trace so a signature is required!

If your workplace accommodates it why not get us to deliver there?

Fastway delivers Mon-Fri.
All packages are Track-and-Trace so a signature is required!

If your workplace accommodates it why not get us to deliver there?

Shipping Times
Order: An Post Fastway Ships:
Monday to 7pm to 6:15pm Monday
Tuesday to 7pm to 6:15pm Tuesday
Wednesday to 7pm to 6:15pm Wednesday
Thursday to 7pm to 6:15pm Thursday
Friday to 7pm to 6:15pm Friday
Saturday Monday
Sunday Monday
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